For those of us who just don't have the space

I think it's normal to keep them in the kitchen. I would say that because i'm English but in most places in the rest of the world they are usually kept in the bathroom. But where should this electrical appliance really live in a less than average sided home?.....

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can a washing machine or tumble dryer be installed in a bathroom?

Current-using equipment, which includes washing machines, tumble dryers and central heating boilers may be installed in a room containing a bath or shower, provided all the requirements of BS 7671 are complied with.
Part 6 of BS 7671, which supplements the general requirements of the Standard, requires additional safety measures based on the increased risk of electric shock in a room containing a bath or shower. Four zones are considered. Zone 0, which is the interior of the bath tub or shower basin, is the zone where the risk is greatest. Zones 1, 2 and 3 are mainly defined by dimensions from the bath tub or shower basin. The perceived risk of electric shock is progressively reduced as the zone number increases.
A washing machine installed up to 3 metres, but not less than 600 mm, from a bath tub or shower basin will be in zone 3. Regulation 601-09-03 permits current-using equipment to be installed in zone 3 provided it is suitable for the location and, if the equipment is not fixed, the circuit supplying it is protected by an RCD with a rated residual current not exceeding 30 mA.
Electrical equipment intended to be used in a room containing a bath or shower is required to be suitable for the conditions in the zone in which it is to be used. Even where all the relevant installation requirements have been met, the agreement of the manufacturer of the current using equipment should be sought as to its suitability in the particular location, if this is not specifically detailed in the installation or user instructions.

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